2024-07-12 10:13
n=int(input('')) if n<=8: print(n*0.8) else : print((8*0.8)+(n-8)*0.7) n=int(input('')) if n>=1000 and n<10000: print(n//1000) print(n%1000//100) print(n%1000%100//10) print(n%1000%100%10//1) elif n>=10 and n<100: print(n%10) n=input() if len(n)==2: print(n[-1]) elif len(n)==4: print(n[0]) print(n[1]) print(n[2]) print(n[3]) else:print('no') n=int(input()) for i in range(n): print(i,end='') for d in range(i): print(' ',end='') for d in range(0,2*(n-i)-1): print('*',end='') print(end='\n') n=int(input()) m=int(input()) for i in range(min(n,m),max(n,m)): n=int(input()) m=int(input()) if n>m: n,m=m,n for i in range(n,m+1): f=0 for j in range(2,i): if i%j==0: f=1 if f==0: print('{}是质数'.format(i)) while 1: n=int(input()) if n<=2: print(5) elif n>2: print(5+(n-2)*2) r=int(input()) s=3.14*r*r c=2*3.14*r print('面积:%.2f,周长:%.2f'%(c,s)) d=0 for i in range(10,100): a=i%10 s=i//10 if a!=s: d+=1 print(d) n=int(input()) for i in range(n): a=[] for j in range(0,4): x=int(input()) a.append(x) print( sum (a)/ 4) x = input() s = x.split(',') a=[] for i in range( ① ): a.append(int(s[i])) y = input() s = y. ② b=[] for i in range(len(s)): b.append(int(s[i])) ret = [] i = j = 0 while len(a) >= i + 1 and ③ : if a[i] <= b[j]: ④ i += 1 else: ret.append(b[j]) j += 1 if len(a) > i: ret += a[i:] if len(b) > j: ⑤ print(ret) s=input() x=s.split( ① ) a=[] b=[] n=② for i in range(0,len(x)): a.append(int( ③ )) a=input() s={'1':'周一','2':'周二','3':'周三','4':'周四','5':'周五','6':'周六','7':'周日'} print(a,'--',s[a]) n=input() m,d,y=n.split('/') a=['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','Decembe'] m=a[int(m)-1] print(m,d,y) import turtle as t t.color('red') t.speed(0) a=5 while 1: t.forward(a) t.left(90) a+=1 jvzi1="白日依山尽" jvzi2="黄河入海流" jvzi3="欲穷千里目" jvzi4="更上一层楼" print(jvzi1,','+jvzi2,'。'+jvzi3,','+jvzi4,'。') a='to be or not to be that is a question' l=a.split(' ') count={} for i in l: if i not in count: count[i]=1 else: count[i]+=1 print(count) a=int(input()) s=0 while a>1: if a%2==0: a=a/2 else: a=a*3+1 s+=1 print(s) s=0 d=0 f=0 while 1: a=input() if a=='R': print('请到A区检测') s+=1 elif a=='G': print('请到c区检测') d+=1 elif a=='Y': print('请到B区检测') f+=1 elif a=='end': print('红:',s,'人') print('黄:',f,'人') print('绿:',d,'人') break else : print('请重新输入') import turtle as t d=int(input()) t.speed(0) a=0 f=['red','blue','orange','green'] for i in range(d): t.pencolor(f[i%4]) t.forward(a) t.left(90) a+=0.5 c=[] while 1: a=input() a=a.split(',') for i in a: i=int(i) c.append(int(i)) sum=sum(c) if (sum>=60) n=int(input()) sum=0 if 0<=n<=1000: for i in range(0,n+1): if i%2!=0: sum+=i print(sum) while 1: a=[int(i) for i in input().split(',')] if 60<=sum(a)<=203: print('yes') else: print('no') a=input() s=0 for i in a: if i=='。'or i=='!'or i=='?': s+=1 print('共有',s) a=input() s=len(a) if s%2==0: print(a[-1]) else: d=(s-1)//2 print(a[int(s/2)]) for a in range(1,10): for b in range(0,10): for c in range(0,10): for d in range(0,10): if (8*10000+a*1000+b*100+c*10+d)+(a*10000+b*1000+c*100+d*10+6) == 121410: print(a,b,c,d) 偶 s=[] a=input() for i in range(1,len(a),2): s.append(a[i]) print(s) 基 s=[] a=input() for i in range(0,len(a),2): s.append(a[i]) print(s) while 1: a=float(input()) s=float(input()) d=float(input()) if (a+s+d)<=200 and a<=80 and s<=80 and d<=80 : print('ok') else: print('no') n=input() y='' z='' s='' for i in n: if i>='a'and i<='z' or i>='A'and i<='Z': y+=1 elif i>='0'and i<='9': s+=1 else: z+=1 print('字母','共',y,'个') print('数字','共',s,'个') print('字符','共',z,'个') Nprint('字母共',y,'个'.) if 0
=60: print('及格') else: print('不及格') a=input() s=0 d=0 for i in a: if i=='@': print('有') s+=1 elif i=='.': print('you') d+=1 else: print('无') d=['A','B','C','D'] a=int(input()) s=a%4-1 print(d[s]) name=[] w=[] for i in range(3): a=input() b=int(input()) name.append(a) w.append(b) c=max(w) d=w.index(c) print('最重的人',name[d],'是',c) y=0 s=0 a='Were you born on August 21, 1994' for i in a: if i>='a'and i<='z' or i>='A'and i<='Z': y+=1 elif i>='0'and i<='9': s+=1print(y+s) a=int(input()) b=int(input()) c=max(a,b) while 1: if c%a==0 and c%b==0: break c+=1 print(c) b=0 c=0 d=0 while 1: a=input('输入') if a=='1': b+=1 elif a=='2': c+=1 elif a=='3': d+=1 elif a=='0': break else: print('输入错误') print('python',b) print('鸿蒙',c) print('物流',d) a='123456' while 1: s=input() if s==a: print('ok') break else : print('no') n=int(input()) s=['1','2','3','4'] print(s[n%4-1]) sum=0 for i in range(1,100,2): sum=sum+i print(sum) a=[500,60000,25,1200,2200,1800,10000,80000,3000,65] s=0 d=0 f=50*40 g=50*1700 for i in a: if i<=f: s+=1 else: d+=1 print(s) print(d) n=float(input()) m=float(input()) if m<=0 or n<=0: print('重输') else: a=n*m s=n*2+m*2 print('周长:%.2f 面积:%.2f'%(s,a)) a=[125,127,136,134,137,138,126,135,140,145] s=0 d=[] for i in a: if i>135: d.append(i) s=s+1 d.sort() print('女篮校队新增成员数目:',s,'她们的身高从矮到高分别是:',d)